A finger tap on the lock screen of an iPhone 15 with the background colored orange and blue before it activates NameDrop.

A Quick Guide to Activate NameDrop on iPhone 15

Imagine a future where your smartphone can simplify your communication even more. Well, with iPhone 15’s NameDrop, that future is here. But how does it work? In this article, we’ll walk…

A woman with orange gel polish nail is charging her phone using NFC wireless charging on a wooden table.

Is NFC Wireless Charging a Reality or Fiction? 

In today’s paced era the smooth exchange of information and the conveniences brought by modern technology have become more important than ever.  One of the leading advancements in this revolution…

two phones with black case are tapping each other get know the function of NFC

How To Use NFC Features For Smartphones?

You’ve probably heard of NFC technology, but you might not know what it is, how to use it, or which gadgets are compatible. Although carrying cash is no longer necessary…

three customize smart tag/sticker on the dark desk with working properties surround them

Can NFC Tag Be Customized?

Today’s smartphones frequently include NFC functionality, and mobile users can buy and obtain tags online. Since tag memory capacity varies from tag to tag, the quantity of data that can…

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